Flags & Banners, Lot Products, Sales Items, Showroom Signs, Showroom Signs, Signs, Yard Signs
Aluminum Showroom Stands
Since this item is completely customizable, please reach our to our sales team at 800.755.2095 or at info@autotechniles.com. Upon receiving your request we will help you work up a design.
Billing will be handled during the proofing process & not via the online portal.
$259.00 (Includes Custom Logo)
with your custom logo
- 9″wide stand holds your 8.5 x 11″h info sheets
- Under wheel or free standing design, no assembly required
- Logos are removable-Full color or ‘etched look’ silver
- 42″h x 9″w x 16″ base, weighs 8lbs, stackable